You know too much.

On a cold and dreary morning as the earth started falling and the sun started calling, as the moon started yelling at ME; I saw him in the clearing. As I took what was mine and I hid what was hers, as I took special measures to not even wake the birds, As I was fumbling, scared, at a loss with words; I saw him in the clearing. As I walked to the field with that boiling feeling, When I looked all around me to see what was revealing, As I thought about my condor and quickly took to kneeling he was there; in the clearing.

Im going to keep secrets for your benefit

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Welcome to the clearing

Her Nickname.

Enter the code

Colov Calluhan was prosocuted as a killer however He is innocent. Notice anything strange about this Newspaper?


See? This guys just randomly kills a girl and leaves a computer that he made at the scene??? yeah, I dont think so.

After 1.8.4 update of the EgosChat application the Personal assistant "Egos" was shown to "go off script" this was fixed later that day with the 1.9 update which replaced Egos with a new assistant however I think Egos is still around, I think that Colov was Framed by the assistant. I know, I know. It sounds weird that A mascot could frame a [Person] but its true. Colov Calluhan is innocent I can show more later, Now I have to be quiet because Egos are watching.

Colov Calluhan was prosocuted as a killer however He is innocent. Notice anything strange about this Newspaper?

The code is Condor